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DevOps. What is it, and how can it help your organisation?
At IJYI our experts have a proven track record of supporting our partners to successfully adopt DevOps methodologies that have enabled them to significantly reduce deploy times whilst also delivering improved stability, reliability and security.
03 Jan 2018
Using Sprint to test new product ideas in just 5 days
What’s the process of starting a new development project in your organisation?
15 Dec 2017
Football and Scrum
The fundamentals of Scrum promote quality, priorities, and transparency, which will make the results of any process more successful.
23 Oct 2017
Identifying Failure Early
Delivering little and often is one of the fundamental rules in Agile.
14 Aug 2017
Microsoft Gold Partner - DevOps
We are thrilled to announce that IJYI has achieved GOLD status within the Microsoft DevOps Partner competency, joining an elite club of Microsoft partners in the country to have achieved this status.
04 Jul 2017
My experiences as a Level 4 Apprentice
I have now come to the final stages of my apprenticeship and what a journey I have had. If somebody was to tell me just over 2 years ago how far and how much I would learnt by the end of my Level 4 Software Development apprenticeship, I don’t think I would have believed them.
21 Jun 2017
Tic Tac Toe
It started as a parody on the many cringe worthy, cliché ridden, corporate presentations we have all been subjected to. But for IJYI it came to represent one of our core values.
12 Jun 2017
An Example of Flow
I’ve been reading The Goal as well as The Phoenix Project. Whilst there are many important principals in these novels (and I highly recommend them) I wanted to highlight one in particular – The danger of too much Inventory or unfinished work.
05 Jun 2017
The first person to review your code should be you
I’m a massive fan of code reviews. They benefit the projects, the individual and the overall team for a number of reasons.
27 Apr 2017