What Could Alien Technology Teach Us? 

If aliens can travel across the stars, they probably have technology we can’t even dream of. If we ever meet them, their knowledge could help us solve many of our biggest challenges. Our CTO, Asa Margetts, dives into the potential alien technology could have for the human race.

Sitting here thinking about space and all the awesome stuff happening with space technology, I can’t help but wonder what would happen if we met aliens. Assuming they’re friendly (and don't just obliterate us out of existence with a high-powered zapper), what kind of amazing tech could we learn from them? 

Warp Speed Travel 

Imagine being able to travel to distant stars in minutes (or just across the UK without traffic jams!). If aliens have visited us, they’ve probably figured out how to travel faster than light, using wormholes or advanced propulsion systems. If we learned this, we could explore our world and the universe like never before. 

A group of aliens in a desert

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Advanced Building Techniques 

Throughout history, we’ve marvelled at ancient structures like the pyramids and Stonehenge, wondering how they were built with the primitive technology of the time. It could be that aliens have visited Earth before and helped with advanced building techniques, involving anti-gravity technology, precise cutting tools, or construction robots.

Learning these methods could revolutionise our housing and construction industry (or at the least, just help us to build garages which are actually big enough for our cars!).

Next Generation Energy Sources 

Aliens would have travelled large distances to get to us. They must have found ways to fuel their journeys, which probably don't include stopping off at galactic Shell petrol stations (or perhaps it does!). They might use quantum energy or other sources that are super efficient and sustainable. Learning this could provide us with endless, high-powered energy. 

Superior Healing and Anti-Aging 

Imagine if we had technology that could heal injuries instantly or even stop aging. If small groups of aliens can travel through space, they must have superior medicine to keep themselves alive across distant journeys and climates. They might have tiny robots that fix body cells or advanced ways to fight diseases and prolong their lives. Learning this could help us live longer, healthier lives. 

Instant Communication Across the Universe 

Aliens might have a space traffic control system to stay connected across the universe to help them keep out of each other's flight paths and avoid collisions! They might have instant communication methods, using things like quantum entanglement. Learning this could transform our communication methods completely. 

Making Other Planets Habitable 

Imagine turning a lifeless planet into a place where we can live. Aliens might know how to terraform planets, making them habitable. If they travel between planets, they might make those places liveable for new colonies or as stop gaps to travel further. Learning this could help us fix environmental issues on Earth and make other planets our new homes. 


These ideas might sound like science fiction, but if aliens can travel across the stars, they probably have technology we can’t even imagine. If we ever meet them, their knowledge could help us solve many of our biggest challenges. Until then, we’ll keep exploring space, hoping for the day we meet our "little green" neighbours (but only if they're friendly!). 

Read more from The IJYI Way Insight 

About the author

Inky Simmons

(They/Them) The Lead QA and UX specialist of IJYI. I've been with the company since 2014, which makes me something of a veteran (I think!). Inside of work I enjoy assembling comprehensive test suites and bringing product ideas to life via wireframes and prototypes. Outside of work I enjoy playing with retro tech, collecting things, and trying my hand at any artistic craft I can (especially anything sewing related).